
the source of it all

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Q-Bert Socks!

9:13pm - (Stephanie speaks) We'll never write anything with you at the helm. I'm bored of this. (Some time passes) Maybe I could work at a yarn factory. (Some time) Just by bringing awareness to how we're spending our money, without even trying, we'll spend less money. (Some time) (Stephanie points to the computer screen) That needs an apostrophe. (To me) Do you like the new frugal me? (I get up to get some juice. She calls me pineapple breath.)

9:24 - (Stephanie) What is this, a blow by blow of our boring lives? A good blog has a strong theme. (I open a new tab to look at facebook) (Stephanie) Noooooo!

9:34 - (Stephanie on our friend's Pizza blog) Molly doesn't give shit how you write it; she just wants to eat it! Rah rah rah rah! Ab ab ah aba! M-o-l-l-y, Woo'! (Molly is our dog, and this is how Stephanie speaks puppy).

9:41 - (Stephanie) You know what's stupid? Facebook. ( She makes a fish out of her half finished Q-bert sock and pretends to eat my face with it.)

9:42 - (Stephanie) That's it, I'm packing it in for the night.

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